• بطانية (Bitania); blanket

    بطانية (Bitania); blanket

    Mayen, Germany I keep my kindness in my eyes Gently folded around my iris Like a velvety, brown blanket That warms my vision Sanober Khan The weight of what I’ve set out to do is now in tangible form: A Ford combi van. These hundreds of pounds of steel inertia have propelled me to a…

  • ورقة (Waraqa); Paper

    ورقة (Waraqa); Paper

    Mayen, Germany “What the world really needs is more love and less paper work.” Pearl Bailey So that you don’t have to suffer the same soul-crushing tedium of the bureaucrazy machine I was up against, here is a haiku detailing my experience: Plastic potted plant neon evaporates air 50 shades of beige On Monday it’s…

  • سحاب (Sahab); Clouds

    سحاب (Sahab); Clouds

    London & Bristol, UK “Turbulence is life force. It is opportunity. Let’s love turbulence and use it for change.” –Ramsey Clark “This is your captain speaking; turbulence ahead”. As we sink back below the clouds, a wave of anxiety slips over me. It would remain there for an entire week. What am I doing? Where…

  • عجلة (eijlatan); Wheel

    عجلة (eijlatan); Wheel

    Berlin, Germany “There are many spokes on the wheel of life. First, we’re here to explore new possibilities.” Ray Charles At the end of a long week of searching, I’ve let go of my ideal van. Deep breath__ Day 1: Jojo and Charli welcome me into their home in Berlin. It is the best neighborhood,…

  • Coral Disease and Diversity in Barbados

    Coral Disease and Diversity in Barbados

    Coral reefs face an increase in disease epidemics, resulting in further decline of reef ecosystems. Protective measures in the form of legislation and Marine Protected Areas (MPA) attempt to act as buffers against the effects of environmental degradation.

  • Responsibility out of Rubble

    Responsibility out of Rubble

    Nepal’s younger generation takes charge during the 2015 earthquake crisis There’s no feeling as disorienting as having the ground under your feet bend and ripple. The reality of how vulnerable we are in natural disasters became seriously real to those present during the many earthquakes that hit Nepal this spring. With government response severely lacking,…

  • S.EAU.S


    Water you goin’ to do about it? The global oceans crisis is one of great concern. For those living nearby and depending on what lives within, the degradation of our oceans is catastrophic. With an estimated decline of 70% of the world’s coral reefs, it is estimated that the 2/3 of the world population living…

Gratitude to the Omàmìwininìwag (Algonquin) and Anishinabewaki, the original
stewards of the land where I came into being.

Myrah Graham – Copyright © 2023